Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sister-in-between travelling

We have now been travelling for five weeks and have reached our most northern destination. 
How lovely to stay put for the next few weeks as we catch up with dear friends and family.
Looking back we have had such glorious experiences 
in the city, at the snow and then the seaside.

How lovely to spend time with Big Sister and her family.
Beautiful sunny days at the seaside . . . tee hee, I am the freezing one in beanie, jacket and jeans!
Precious times together chatting, watching the cousins hang out and playing games of Dominion!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Holidaying with Big Sister

As our holidays draw to a close
it is fun to reflect on what we have been up to.

Gardening ...


Spending time with family (my how the cousins have grown!!) ...

Pyjama days ... baking ...reading ... catching up with friends ...

It is going to be hard to hit reality next week 
BUT we all have a bit more energy than we did three weeks ago!

xo Big Sister

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sister-in-between travelling!

View from our window

exhausting and exhilarating days

finishing off with a little tea tonic!


Sister-in-between travelling!

I am 


all things



Sister-in-between travelling!

Happy Birthday To Me!
The big

A wonderful day 
filled with surprises
yummy food

and phone calls from family!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy 40th Birthday

We hope you have a FABULOUS celebration!

Love Little Sister and family XOXOX

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I am
thirty nine
three hundred
sixty four
days old!

I wonder
what tomorrow
will bring!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Down the garden path with Big Sister

 Have had a lovely afternoon in the garden ... I am getting ready for overseas visitors!

Come and meet some of the personalities
that live here...

This is Violet.

She quietly whispers happy memories of Ruth and Nan.

This is Camellia.

She always appears before I expect her to, often when the cold weather first arrives. She can be bold and brash ...

... or she can be quite demure.

This is Daphne.

Daphne is a remarkably hardy soul, blooming when winter is at its harshest. Her heady perfume fills the air when she flowers. This may be Daphne's last year in our garden as change and progress take over - will have to  take a tiny snippet and see if I make her bloom and grow again.

This is Iris...

And here is Ivy, not always such a welcome visitor!!

Rosemary likes nothing better than a lamb roast or baked potatoes...

And our pride and joy is Fig. He looks rather bare here but he promises us that he will yield a large crop of delicious fruit next season!!

And then there is Leaf.

He and his gazillion friends visit every evening - he really needs to learn to use social networks more safely - the parties are becoming all too much, and the mess he leaves behind is abominable!!!

I hope you have enjoyed your little meander through 'our patch' - before we know it Spring will be here with even more personalities popping in to say hello!

xo Big Sister

Friday, July 1, 2011

I am thankful for ...

... siblings who post bright and cheery messages
that keep me going when life is hectic

... holidays that arrive just in the nick of time

...  the promise of a week at the beach 

We made it!!!

xoxo Big Sister
