Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1 more sleep...

Tomorrow night the kids and I jump on the overnight train to go and visit Sister-in-between for a few days in the Big City. We are very excited!
We're looking forward to:

chatting over cups of tea
nerf fights
an amusement park
eating at McDonalds
playing with the cousins
playing games
reading magazines
sleeping on the train (and hopefully waking up in time to disembark!)
just being together

Only 1 more sleep...and those darn suitcases to pack!

Little Sister

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yarning at Little Sister's

Coughs and colds have meant a couple of quiet days at home. The kids have been bitten by the 'yarn' bug - here's a look at what they have been creating...

Mr Energy has been working furiously on some french knitting. He toyed with the idea of trying to beat the world record for the longest piece of french knitting, but when he discovered that the record was 11km he settled for making one longer than his big brother's!

Mr Sport has been learning to knit. Unfortunately his mother is not as good as fixing mistakes as her mother is! He's been very persistent and has enjoyed knitting in front of the footy this afternoon.

Miss Creative is working on this lovely rainbow piece of knitting. It's going to be a bag for her drawing pencils.

I've been dabbling in dishcloths and little flowers and made my first ball of t-shirt yarn too (terrible photo!). I scoured the local markets for a large crochet hook to use with it but came away disappointed. Train tickets are booked to take the kids to visit Sister-in-between in a couple of weeks and I am dreaming of hook and yarn shopping - and so are the kids!
