Saturday, June 11, 2011


the storm has passed
the sun is shining
this morning
I am thankful for
 a quiet house
two cups of tea!

No. 1 son is at a drama practise, Mr Capable has taken No. 2 son plus friend to rugby, Little Miss is still at her sleep over/shopping play date, and No. 3 son is happily being entertained by technology.

The past two weeks have felt like a rollercoaster.
Re-structure in the workplace is never a peaceful time.
Emotions run high, there is loss and gain.

Interviews, questions, proving your worth.

My second cup of tea this morning is even more enjoyable as I sit and reflect,
not only did I survive the process
but have been promoted.

My aspirations are now a reality.

Exciting and daunting.

My worth, well that comes from a deeper sense of knowing Him, and I feel deeply grateful for that!


1 comment:

  1. So thrilled for you Sister-in-between! And, I think your pink (surprise surprise) tea cup/pot is absolutely beautiful!
    xo Big Sister

