Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's in your fruit bowl?

This morning I decided to deal with this...a pomello.
It's been staring at me from my fruit bowl for a few days now.
We all loooove eating them. But they are an absolute pain to peel! When attempted in a hurry, the result is a squishy mess and a high level of frustration.
Today I felt up to the challenge.

First the incredibly thick peel and pith had to be ripped off.
This drastically reduced the size of the fruit.
Then came the delicate process of peeling away the skin of each segment without destroying the juicy bits inside.
Ta da! A little box of fruit and a big pile of peelings. The gang had better enjoy it :)
What's in your fruit bowl?

Little Sister

p.s. Now would NOT be the time for Sister-in-between to remind me that she can pick up pre-peeled pomello segments in little foam trays from her local supermarket....


  1. Hello there,
    We have been enjoying Kiwi fruit grown by a colleague of Mr A's - otherwise it is pears, apples and mandarins around here at present! I did cook up some quinces a few weeks ago and we think we will plant a tree once our renovations are done - apparently they do quite well here!
    Lov to all,
    Big Sister xo

  2. hmmm yes very handy trays they are!
    Sadly our fruit bowl has three brown and manky bananas in it . . . oh to find the time to go the shop or market!

