Thursday, May 5, 2011


This week has been HOT! High temperatures and high humidity; the kind of energy-sapping heat that consumes all my motivation and patience. But, taking a leaf out of Sister-in-between's book, there's a lot to be thankful for even in this kind of heat:

1. Swimming pools: until a few months ago we were living in a small, provincial town that was even hotter than here. I used to get pretty desperate some days, trying to entertain 3 little kids who were overtired, hot and grumpy, when I was feeling the same way! There were no pools and even the river was tepid at this time of year. Now we're living in a bigger town with swimming pools! At the end of the school day it's bliss to take the kids for a swim; to be able to exercise and have fun together. I am VERY thankful.

2. Mangosteens: this fruit is one of my all-time favourites. If you can manage to break open the tough skin without completing squishing the delicate white fruit inside (I have about a 70% success rate!), they not only look beautiful but taste scrumptious. The kids have discovered that the number of little flower-shaped petals on the underside of the skin corresponds to the number of juicy segments inside - tricky! They are only available in HOT season :)

3. My house: we are living in a comfortable 2-storey house with shady mango trees around it. On the hottest days it is still bearable downstairs, if you stay close to a fan (upstairs is another story...). Next door is a building site where a new house is being erected. The labourers live on-site in a wood and tin shack. I can't imagine how HOT a tin roof would be in this weather! I have nothing to complain about...

4. Storms: we had a ripper of a storm last night; one that made the house shudder! There is nothing like a really wild storm with cooling winds after days of climbing humidity - what a relief! The thunder and lightning had the kids blocking their ears and we had to grab the candles and headlamps for a bit, but oh it was SPECTACULAR!

So I guess I had better stop complaining about how HOT it is :)
Little Sister


  1. So so hot! There is a huge storm brewing outside my window too!

  2. So so COLD in 'my neck of the woods'! This morning we had our first frost for the year! Thinking of our Dad today!
    Much love to all siblings,
    xo Big Sister

