Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend away

We got away for a couple of nights over the weekend with friends who are visiting. It was a wonderful, relaxing change of pace and place. There was something for everyone...

a clear, icy lagoon to wallow in after a steep climb to a cave - this was definitely the kids' favourite activity of the weekend, especially jumping in from the rope swings!

stunning mountains coming in and out of view amongst the clouds

fields for Mr Ag to meander through and inspect
fresh coconut juice and organic mulberry shakes to keep our energy up

and a leisurely boat ride.

We inadvertently timed our trip with a festival and had the added excitement of watching rockets being launched high into the clouds and over the mountains as we relaxed in the guesthouse pool at sunset.

It was a bit hard to come home really!
Little Sister

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a lovely time you had away! The green is so green!!! We desperately need rain at home and with the frosts everything is turning brown. You feel as if the land is going into hibernation!
    Off to a music lesson with the kids!
    Much love from Big Sister xo

