Thursday, May 5, 2011

Old Mother Hubbard . . .

Tonight I did an 'Old Mother Hubbard'
The cupboard or in this case the fridge was bare.
I managed to rustle up some bread (that may have been fresh yesterday), apples and some watermelon,
and called it 'dinner'
Little Miss had a science project so leaving the 'Capable One' in charge, I headed out to do the much needed grocery shop.
This post was going to be a grumble . . .  about the horrific battle through the mish-mash of local vehicles, and the need to drive up the wrong side of the road towards oncoming motorbikes in order to enter the carpark, and the lack of car parking spaces once there.
My grumble was going to continue, to describe the unwanted giggles and comments made about my heavily  laden trolley (by other shoppers who are there daily rather than weekly), and about the ridiculous 100 item system which saw me having to pay through 2 transactions as I had 102 items to buy.
I then stopped and began to count my blessings  . . .
The checkout assistant carefully packed my trolley, wheeled it out of the centre and down to my car, where he unloaded it . . .  all the while smiling.
His smile soon became mine as I arrived home and was greeted by my 'house fairy', who helped me to carry and unpack all my groceries.
I realised just how lucky I am


  1. Grocery shopping - my favourite!!!! Don't get me started!!!'Bookworm' is going to invent a shopping trolley that you can fill, wheel through a checkout and all will be instantaneously scanned WITHOUT having to empty the trolley!!! Then you just pay and walk out!!!
    We shop at a supermarket that doesn't provide bags - good for the environment - but such a rigmarole!! Empty trolley on to conveyor belt, hastily repack trolley as checkout person flings stuff through to you - trying to avoid squashing the 12 loaves of bread to get us through school lunches for the week - wheel uncontrollable trolley out to car, unpack into car, drive home, fill numerous washing baskets with groceries and then REPACK on shelves! AAAAHHH! There goes my Saturday morning! Sorry, where did you say you found the 'house fairy'?? Does she have a sister??
    Anyhow, there is always a blessing hiding under every piece of housework - we are spoilt for choice and have the income to feed our family well! We are the lucky ones! :) :)
    Much love to Mother Hubbard from Big Sister!
    BTW, what can I do with 8 frozen chicken thighs and a carrot ... tee hee!!!

  2. I'm tempted to say "Well, at least you HAVE supermarkets!" but that isn't really in the spirit of the post!!! Even in a place with only 'attempts' at supermarkets I am spoilt for choice AND I too have a 'house fairy' (sorry to rub it in Big Sister) AND I can shop for fruit and veg at local markets and come away with bags and bags of lovely, fresh produce for the meagre sum of around $10...Very blessed indeed :)

    Hmmm, chicken thighs. Yum! Defrost them, marinate in a little brown sugar and soy sauce and cook them in a frypan. Best served with rice and carrot sticks :)

    Luv Little Sister

