Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are losing it ....

K9 has this thing for sultanas! She will sit and wave her paw when I so much as get the packet out of the pantry.

This afternoon 'Mr Bookworm' decides he likes sultanas too and obediently sits, paws, rolls over and demands his handful of sultanas too!! What a household!!

I am up to my eyebrows in report writing - such a fun time of the year!

Sending lots of love to all siblings and am looking forward to more regular posting when things settle down.

xo Big Sister


  1. Sultanas? M and M's maybe are worth begging for but sultanas! It made me laugh!! Keep plugging on with your reports, the 'finished feeling' is worth working towards . . . and is just around the corner!

  2. Mr Bookworm you crack me up! Glad you're keeping Mum entertained at this stressful time of the year :) Little Sister

